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Engage Digital Platform Resources
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Empower Your Bots With Voice and Video Intelligence
The new-age customer experience centers demand a conversational voice-powered virtual assistant application that can scale to handle the rising demand for digital customer interactions—cost-effectively.
Radisys Engage Intelligent Virtual Assistant Solution
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems are a prime operational service that helps companies provide services to their customers. Yet, many IVRs reside on legacy ecosystem platforms that subject callers to confusing and frustrating button-pushing.
Revolutionize Digital Customer Engagement with an AI-Powered Video Assistant
Businesses are always on the lookout for innovative ways to engage with their customers. Whether is is to inform them about a new product or to help them by answering their questions, business owners want positive and controlled digital engagement that optimizes the customer experience while minimizing their costs.
Evolve Two-Factor Authentication with In-Network Biometric Authentication
Preventing unauthorized access using in-network real-time voice and video analytics
Computer Vision for IoT, Security and Authentication Use Cases
Adding Network Based Programmable Intelligence to Real Time Video
Secure, Reliable, Real-time Communication and Collaboration
Communications and engagement in today's business environment must be mobile, real-time and interactive. Traditionally businesses have been forced to use multiple tools and applications to communicate with their audiences and collaborate with one another.
Brand Marketing - Interactive, Secure and Reliable Digital Communications
Brand Marketing - Interactive, secure and reliable digital communications